Comments on: GPT-4o is a stunning leap forward in AI Technology News Leader In South Africa Mon, 20 May 2024 08:42:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: jameswatadza Sun, 19 May 2024 01:10:54 +0000 Everyone who is penning some ‘upset’ article about this technology seems to be a woman, a feminist or some gender-confused beta-dude.

“While we should not seriously compare GPT-4o to Samantha” — really? This tech is there already today!
You linked to a Bloomberg article where another female writer bemoans how this tech is “problematic” as it gives men a friendly female to talk to and that might affect social dynamics.

The theme seems to be “This thing is going to give men who don’t have positive experiences with women an out… an alternative”. OK, what is wrong with that? Your positions says there is something wrong. If women want the freedom to reject men, often scornfully and hurtingly, without consequence, what is wrong with men having somewhere to retreat to?

It seems to me you are upset that the power you held over men, where you could just turn your thumb down or up and scar a man for life was so good it is hard to let go.

Considering that women staunchly demanded the right to use sx tool shaped like men’s sxual appendages but sized to ridiculous lengths and girths and treated it as a “my body my choice” issue they shouldn’t be saying anything about men building the alternative woman.

Artificial skin was perfected by lonely, sxually-stunted Japanese engineers. Robotics have come a long way with bots that can now get up, walk about, bend over and make sandwiches autonomously. Marry that to ChatGPT and you’ve built the male equivalent of the dldo. Again, #myBodyMyChoice …right?

It should not be that when you are abusing “rights” to suit yourselves everyone should shut up and accept it, but when the other does the same you cry “unfair!”.

Once these technologies merge into creating the perfect woman for guys it will reshape the power balance in society. It will have devastating consequences for traditional industries like flower shops, horticulture in general, chocolatiers, restaurants, diamond mining and cutting, wedding organizers… all of them. Men will no longer need to slave-away raising funds to take women out, impress them and buy rings.

All those false accusations of rpe… poof! Sxbots will work with guys and give them what they want.

I’ve actually realized statements like “As AI becomes more adept at mimicking human emotions and behaviours, the risk of users forming deep emotional attachments increases. This could lead to over-reliance, manipulation and even harm.” and asking for more regulation is nothing more than women feeling threatened and trying to cck-block.
Everything’s OK, sisters… our bodies, our choice. We’ll take our chances!
