Comments on: SABC bans controversial DA election ad Technology News Leader In South Africa Sat, 11 May 2024 15:27:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kane Diamond Sat, 11 May 2024 15:27:04 +0000 In reply to InTheCube.

Yay. Just what the world needs. Another fundamentalist cutting off their nose to make their assumed moral high ground seem a bit higher.

By: TW RW Fri, 10 May 2024 15:09:57 +0000 In reply to concerned-citizen.

You have the same tiresome Zionist response when people call out their hypocrisy – diversion to other issues and accusations of propaganda. I’m surprised you haven’t (yet?) used their other famous tactic – “right back at you”. Anyway, lets talk about the local issue then.

The local issue at hand, here in RSA (but everywhere else in the world too), is to rid this planet of the evil that is Zionism, just how the world rid itself of Zionism’s siblings – Nazism and Fascism. Globally, the heart of Zionism is Israhell, that so-called country established on stolen land. In RSA Zionism is represented by the DA and its cronies. The very subject of this article. In RSA, we fought our way out of Apartheid, the same Apartheid faced by Palestinians for 75+ years, but on a far greater and more brutal and inhumane scale. That is our local issue, kapish? The Zionist-supporting DA needs to be kicked out.

And anyone (like you) bearing the flag of Zionism should be called out, especially people that have a fat lot to say about other evils in the world whilst ignoring the same evil they’re proud to bare the flag of.

By: concerned-citizen Fri, 10 May 2024 10:20:47 +0000 In reply to TW RW.

Yoh!. Quite a mouthful you have there. Firstly stop believing all the propoganda and wisen up on the facts. South Africa is not Occupied Palestine – you are correct, yet the ruling incumbents very quickly chose sides without taken a holistic and measured view. Yet your first response was to blab on about Zionist this or that…. instead of your response focusing on the local issues at hand. That concerns me much more than what I choose to stand with internationally. Luckily name calling bothers me not – you have a great day in your ivory tower there.

By: TW RW Fri, 10 May 2024 09:41:42 +0000 In reply to concerned-citizen.

Nobody gives a toss about what Israeli sympathisers like you have to say. If you think there are 3 fingers pointing back at the ANC, you should know that there are 40,000 genocided fingers pointing back at you and what you stand for.

The type that are proud to associate themselves with the flag of the most evil “nation” on Earth. I say “nation” in quotes, because we all know that in reality there is no such nation. Only Europeans and Zionists living on stolen land acquired over 100+ years through ethnic cleansing, murder, siege, genocide, war, torture, bribery, looting, rape, carpet bombing like cowards, bombing of schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, cemeteries, roads and bridges, the sniping of women, children and babies, the starvation of 1.8 million people, and all of the worst things anyone can think of conducted by the most evil and hateful people on Earth.

So perhaps you should rather just shut your trap. This is South Africa. Not Occupied Palestine.

By: TW RW Fri, 10 May 2024 09:15:13 +0000 In reply to InTheCube.

The advert itself – a bit tasteless, but a storm in a teacup nevertheless. The intention of the advert wasn’t treasonous as CR put it, but he is using it score political points of course, in the same that the advert is trying to do. The burning flag was to show the deterioration of our beautiful country since the Zuma days. If I was the ANC, I would secretly force the SABC to air it and let it turn into a huge uproar that the ANC could score more political points of.

Anyway, that aside, it is true that the DA is selling our country to Zionists. Full agreed. What is happening in Cape Town and the western cape is just the tip of the ice berg that we can see. The Zionists have their tentacles wrapped around South Africa. If we’re not careful, this country will lose its heart and soul to the evil of Zionism.

By: InTheCube Fri, 10 May 2024 09:01:08 +0000 In reply to Kane Diamond.

No. There are not many options. Most of the “alternatives” are part of the Moonshot Pact. All of the members of the Moonshot Pact are funded by Zionists and entities with ties to Apartheid Israel. Even the IFP, sad to say.

Besides these 5 DAs, you can include the ACDP and Freedom Front Plus.

Thanks for your memo, but my emotional choice is ALSO very pragmatic, full of breathing, clarity and reason. Voting for the other smaller parties that are potentially good candidates, will be a waste. We would would be diluting the resistance to fascist Zionism. We need our votes concentrated in the ANC. Never thought I would ever be punting for the lying, thieving, corrupt and incompetent ANC. But the alternatives are far worse.

Read here:

By: Kane Diamond Fri, 10 May 2024 07:29:37 +0000 In reply to InTheCube.

Here’s the Memo: Voting should be a pragmatic choice, not an emotional choice.

There are other options between the DA and Corruption.

Just breath.

By: InTheCube Fri, 10 May 2024 06:34:20 +0000 The DA can go to pot. They’re going to lose the Western Cape due to their open and unapologetic support of the Apartheid state of Israhell, and their open and unapologetic support of the genocide of Palestinians. I’ll be suprised if they make ANY inroads compared to previous elections. They’re likely going to lose a lot of ground instead.

This is the DA that OPENLY supports Apartheid. The same DA that is selling the Western Cape to US, UK, Israeli and Western interests, whilst ignoring the majority of its citizens who still live in squalor, without services and jobs, who have to fight crime, drugs and gangsterism on their own.

The “European” parts of Cape Town and the Western Cape is what is marketed to everyone as “world class”. Why don’t they show us the poorer areas that they have been completely neglected? Why don’t they admit failure? This is the same DA from Apartheid days. The same DA that supports and is working towards declaring independence of the WC and NC from the rest of South Africa. Apartheid never left… it was just hidden away from plain sight, but still operates in the shadows. The same DA that is funded by racist, fascist Zionists and Israelis.

We see through you DA. You will not get our votes again. You may have fooled us before, but Palestine has opened our eyes, and freed us.

We’d rather have the corruption of the ANC, EFF and Zuma, than the racist, Zionist, fascist, colonialist, imperialist, Apartheid regime in just another form. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A snake.

By: Marcan Fri, 10 May 2024 05:23:08 +0000 In reply to hugoschagen.

A storm in a teacup, certainly compared with all the corruption, theft, fraud committed by the ANC. But a useful distraction, as they have run out of better ideas to attract attention and voters.
Then a clip on X: somebody high on a truck,part of an ANC election convoy, throwing down party T shirts to the people in a township. Truck is followed by a R 3-4 m armoured AMG G wagon, with Mbalula in it.

By: concerned-citizen Fri, 10 May 2024 05:05:14 +0000 So the most despicable and treasonous leader (Ramapoepol) of the most despicable and treasonous and corrupt party (African National Corruption) feels the need to point a finger. He should remember there are 3 pointing back.

By: hugoschagen Fri, 10 May 2024 04:28:45 +0000 It’s not burning of the flag… Its a magic trick as there’s nothing wrong with it at the end of the ad. What’s all the fuzz about? Oooh e e

By: Chris Fri, 10 May 2024 01:31:04 +0000 Shame on the SABC!!!! ANC corruption runs wild in SA
